Friday, August 14, 2009


Do you want to improve your leadership?!!
Do you want to go for exchange?!!
Do you want to participate in global learning environment?!!
So, join us!!

We're doing open recruitment starts from August 17th - 31th 2009. For the application form, you can get it at our office, Graha Putra Building, 2nd floor, Jl. H. Wasid no.29. Bandung.

We're gonna have a booth in OHU ITB, UKM EXPO UNPAR, and STUDENT DAY UNPAD. So, don't miss it!!

Contact person:
UNPAD: Bayu 0815 1084 4222
Didi 0852 2143 8901
ITB : Reza 0856 9718 6247
UNPAR: Kishi 0813 2250 1337


X-Change Training

Hoy AIESEC !!!!

We were having X-Change Training at August 8th 2009. It was conducted by Masaru (MCVP OGX 0910) and attended by our members.

In this training, Masaru reminds us why we do exchange. So, exchange is supporting to our vision, peace and fullfillment of human kind potential.Furthermore, exchange will help self development of exchanger and also the intern.

Exchange benefits for youth:
- Intense learning from practical experience
- Leadership and team working
- Challenging their world view
- Get them out from their comfort zone
- Build global network
- Increase social awareness

We also had some marketing and presentation training and winner for the best marketer and exchanger.

And also roll dance :D

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bandung Promotional Video

We proudly present our promotional video about Bandung.

If you're interested to come to Bandung, just contact us!
